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Tungsten Products
Tungsten Bar---Tungsten bar has a luster rather like that of silver in uniform color. Though the whole bar may slightly curved, the maximum...
Tungsten Rod---Tungsten guide rods can be used with the original factory recoil spring or ISMI "flat wound" recoil spring.
Tungsten Pin---Tungsten pin is a very hard heat-resistant pin and widely used as vise,electrodes,tungsten pin and microsurgical.
Tungsten Wire---Manufacturer and exporter tungsten wire, including black tungsten wire,clean tungsten wire, white tungsten wire...
Cleaned Tungsten Wire---Important applications of cleaned tungsten wire are for the production of coiled incandescent lamp filaments...
Non Sag Tungsten Wire---Introduction Tungsten wires containing thoria particles are suitable for various electron tubes...
Doped Tungsten Wire---Doped tungsten wire have good resistance to drop ability, good resistance to high temperature and vibration...
Tungsten Rhenium Wire---Tungsten rhenium wire is tungsten rhenium alloy wire, made by metal rhenium powder and tungsten powder.
Stranded Tungsten Wire---With the properties of excellent thermal conductivity, finely processed, and long duration.
Tungsten Heater---Manufacturer and exporter of tungsten heaters,applied for vacuum metallizing,aluminizing scope,aluminum spraying...
Tungsten Needle---Tungsten needle,tungsten pin made of pure tungsten with bright and smooth surface, is brittle and hard, but can be worked by...
Tungsten Ore---Chinatungsten Online is a professional Tungsten Ore,Tungsten Ore Selection Equipment,Tungsten Ore Mining Machines...
Tungsten Concentrate---Chinatungsten Online is a professional Tungsten Concentrate Tungsten Ore Mining Machines...
Tungsten Granule---Tungsten granule is bright grey polyhedron granule and widely used as flux in the analysis of the infrared...
Tungsten Electrode---Tungsten electrode is electrode made of material of tungsten, which has high melting point, high corrosion...


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